DATE : 2019-09-24
HITS : 22382
In collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and the UNCCD secretariat,
the Korea Forest Service hosted a high-level luncheon to launch a new initiative titled "Peace Forest Initiative"
on Tuesday, Semptebmer 10th, 2019 in New Dehlhi, India. The event was held in the margins of the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP14) and attended by about 100 delegates from countries from around the world and international organizations. High-level officials, including the Minister of the Korea Forest Service, Korea's ambassador for Climate Change and the Executive Secretary of the UNCCD also participated in this event.
The Peace Forest Initiative aims at promoting peace and confidence-building between neighboring countries through transboundary cooperation in sustainable land management as well as Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), particularly, in fragile, conflict-affected areas.
During the event, country Parties discussed various ways to develop and implement the initiative successfully and expressed much interest in and support for the initiative. The Peace Forest Initiative is expected to further enhance the implementation of the UNCCD and LDN.