Inauguration of the New Minister
  • DATE2017-07-28
  • HITS3790
The 31rd Minister of the Korea Forest Service, Dr. KIM Jae Hyun took office formally on the 18th of July.
In his inauguration speech, Dr. KIM expressed his commitment to public service and said he will come forward to create more green jobs by promoting investment in forests and the forestry industry and improving the efficiency of finance
  • 2017_07_18_제31대+김재현+산림청장+취임식_002_대회의실.JPG.jpg [962.6 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 236회)
  • 2017_07_18_제31대+김재현+산림청장+취임식_012_대회의실.JPG.jpg [844.9 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 221회)