Forests Worthy of the Name Offer Jobs

DATE : 2006-02-24

HITS : 951

Forests Worthy of the Name Offer Jobs 이미지1

Luxuriant forests worthy of the name offer jobs to 3,000 people, in which way forests can get healthier and the unemployed can land a job.

Chief of the Korea Forest Service, Suh Seung-jin has laid a recruitment plan for people in the low brackets of income and out of employment. KFS is starting the forest tending project of this year in 31,000 hectares of national and public forests, which is beginning in March and will have been completed by December in coordination with 142 local autonomous entities, five National Forest Offices and Korea Research Institute.

With the budget of 44.3 million dollars, the vacant posts are available for people in the lower brackets of income or with no income, unemployed youngers, and the homeless at age of 18 to 60.

Workers hired through this recruitment will be put into the two-four week general training course including the two week course of forest tending. After completing it, they will serve in various forests nationwide as non-regular workers.

Furthermore, KFS has one more plan called "Job Matching Project" for those who are committed and willing to work in the forest filed among the training course-completed workers so that they can be given a job offer from other forest related organizations.

The forest tending project based on forest conservation and afforestation for the last 40 years has converted its policy into the new one of tending forests worthy of the name in order to improve values of forest economic and public benefits, and recreation culture. The project was well managed in 2005 with 2,000 workers among which 118 landed a permanent job and it will be continued till 2008 with the budget of 200 million dollars.

"The forest tending project of KFS has a significant meaning that it is improving economic and environmental values of forests and creating public benefits for citizens and at the same time it can lower the rate of unemployment by offering jobs to the poor and the unemployed" said an officer in Forest Tending Team of Korean Forest Service.

International Cooperation Division


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