Protect Pine Trees, the Symbol of Korean Spirit
  • DATE2005-11-28
  • HITS2439

On Nov. 22 at the Seoul Press Center, the Chief of the Korea Forest Service along with representives from cultural and arts sector, media, press, educational sector, civic organizations formed a committee to save the Korean pine trees which recently have been suffering from pine wilt disease. They called for public concern and participation in pine tree protection.

Cho Yon-hwan (Chief of KFS), Kang Ji-won (lawyer), Kim Hu-ran(Chair of the House of Literature), Moon Guk-hyun(President of Yuhan-Kimberly), Yu In-chon(Chair of Seoul Cultral Foundation), Lee Hyung-mo(President of Citizen Newspaper), Jeon Young-woo (Professor of Forest Resources of Kukmin Univ.), Ji Young-sun (Chair of 136 Environment Forum), Choi Yeol (Chair of Environment Foundation)

  • 1124-pine tree protection council(2).JPG [129.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 82회)
  • 1124-pine tree protection council(3).JPG [134.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 69회)