International Symposium on NEAFN

DATE : 2006-06-13

HITS : 3194

The UN has designated the year of 2006 as the International Year of Deserts and Desertification in order to raise awareness of the seriousness of desertification, which is not a matter to one country but a threatening matter to all human beings.

In Northeast Asia such as China, Mongolia, soil erosion and desertification have been spreading wide and causing dust and sandstorms due to the rapid industrialization, and exploitation of forests. To combat desertification, there is the need for establishing a cooperative network among UNCCD and countries concerned including China, Mongolia, Japan and Korea.

Korea Forest Service(KFS) is holding a symposium on Northeast Asia Forest Network (NEAFN)for Combating Desertification and Dust and Sandstorms in presence of experts from UNCCD, UNESCAP, China, Mongolia, and Japan. KFS also suggested at the 7th COP of UNCCD that Northeast Asia Forest Network should be established for joint-countermeasures of forestry disasters in Northeast Asia.

At the symposium participants from countries concerned and experts from international organizations will be introducing their programmes on combating desertification and experts from UNCCD will be presenting how to plan programmes on combating desertification. Korea will be presenting the framework of the Northeast Asia Forest Network and have a panel discussion session with participants.

Expecially, Mr. Enkhmandakh BALDAN, vice minister of Ministry of Nature and Environment, Mongolia, will serve as a chairman at the panel discussion session and help draw international cooperation, considering each country’s concerns.

KFS will announce that Korea will lead the Northeast Asia Network with experiences from and technologies of afforestation projects for developing countries such as China, Mongolia and Myanmar, and expects that this network can play a leading role, representing the Northeast Asia.

International Cooperation Division


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  • Northeast Asia Forest Network-0607.doc [93.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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