Organizational Changes in the Korea Forest Service

DATE : 2006-01-13

HITS : 889

The Korea Forest Service had undergone some organizational changes.

Currently, there are 4 bureaus under the Korea Forest Service headquarters, and under the 4 bureaus, there are 15 divisions, 2 offices, and 3 teams.

While the International Cooperation Division, previously under Policy Management and Public Relations Bureau, has been transferred to Forest Policy Bureau, the Information and Statistics Division, which used to be under Forest Policy Bureau has been reorganized under Policy Management and Public Relations Bureau.

In addition, the Department of Forestry Training, previously under the Korea Forest Research Institute, became an independent agency directly under the Korea Forest Service as Forest Human Resources Development Institute.

Please refer to the attachment for the complete organizational chart.

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  • Organizational Chart(0113).xls [52.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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