President Roh hosted a State luncheon for foresters

DATE : 2006-01-26

HITS : 1008

President Roh hosted a State luncheon for foresters 이미지1

President Roh Moo-hyun invited foresters to a State luncheon in the reception hall of Cheong Wa Dae on Jan 24th and addressed that we should restore village communities President Roh said that "it was rich forests that I envied while travelling overseas." "I thought to myself that I would furbish urban towns by afforestation," added the President. President Roh stressed the point that it will be the best thing for the next generation to inherit towns or villages in which they can coexist with nature, and be able to catch frogs or crawfish. He encouraged participants, hoping to become a nation of rich forests that we can be proud of.

[The summary of President Roh’s address]

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,

I am grateful to host a State luncheon with respect for all of you. It appears hard to take care of something, waiting for a long time with patience and to plan ahead because the further you see the less probability there is and things might go awry unexpectedly. Therefore, I express my deepest gratitude for your long-term efforts to afforest. As the trees are valuable, I believe that the people who take care of trees are valuable.

The TV programme about Baekdu Deagan Mountain System showed pictures of ruined areas, not too long after I was inaugurated. But I felt relieved having heard that the Baekdu Deagan regulation was already submitted to the National Assembly by the Korea Forest Service. I found what I envied other countries most was forests while travelling overseas. Although afforestion in South Korea has been successfully carried out nationwide and seemingly towns are not that different from foreign towns, I have found that forests in other countries are more luxuriant, plentiful, and beautiful, which have got me thinking of building up green urban towns in Korea. Being a grandfather of two, I have come to think that it will be the greatest gift for the next generation to hand over green towns that are restored like old ones where children can catch frogs and crawfish.

I feel embarrassed to promise what I have never done. However, after my presidential tenure, I would like to do what I can to restore and improve our forests. You might say it is not an easy job, but I still want to do this. Personally, I think what we have to do is newly restore village communities and enable ourselves to grow in simple life with nature. I hope our country to be a nation with rural villages and towns that will not make us envy any other place in the world, and most of all, a nation with forests that will make us proud.

International Cooperation Division ☎+82-42-481-4172

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