Forest Fire Hazard All Year
  • DATE2006-01-23
  • HITS2236
As the dry weather continues, forest fires have been recurrent in Gangwon and Northern and Southern Gyeongsang provinces. On the 10th, Minister Park Hong-soo of Agriculture and Forestry, along with Mr. Cho Yon-hwan, the Chief of the Korea Forest Service, senior forest officers of each metropolitan city and province, chief of the fire service headquarters, and the heads of the district bodies held a contingency planning against winter forest fires to discuss fire prevention and early suppression.

During this meeting, the officials looked into reinforcing the inspection crew in the fire prone areas to increase effectiveness of fire preparedness. They further reviewed the hike trail adjustment scheme and fire suppression reporting by phase. They also decided to mobilize all suppression helicopters to the said area. Officials were asked to put effort in raising public awareness on the winter forest fires.

  • 0111-forest fire contingency plan2.jpg [55.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 67회)
  • 0111-forest fire contingency plan.jpg [62.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 67회)