The Sixth Korea-Indonesia Forest Forum was held in Seoul on July 4, 2012.
The Indonesian delegation headed by Mr. Iman Santoso, Director General of Forest Research and Development Agency (FORDA) visited the Korea Forest Research Insititue for the Forum.
Mr. Kim Yong-ha, Director General of International Affairs Bureau of the Korea Forest Service as head delegate of the Korean side took co-chairmanship along with Mr. Hadi S. Pasaribu, Senior Advisor to Minister for Economic and International Trade.
The Forum begun with the welcome speech by Mr. Kim Nam-gyun, Deputy Minister of the Korea Forest Service, and it was devided into two committee meetings on forest planation & forest protetion, and forset research & development and forestry human resources development respectively.
In-depth discussions and positive comments were made at the committee session, and the agreed minutes was concluded and signed by the head delegates.
After the Forum, the reception dinner was hosted by Dr. Lee Don-koo, Minister of the Korea Forest Service and participated by all delegates and observers from both sides. He extended his congratulatory remarks at the dinner.