Emblem for 40-year Anniversary

DATE : 2006-12-12

HITS : 1892

Emblem for 40-year Anniversary 이미지1

Korea Forest Service(KFS) has been serving for 40 years since its inception in 1967, In commemoration of the 40th anniversary, KFS has designated an emblem of green dreams and love for forest.

The emblem was chosen on examination of contents and staff preference among 106 pieces collected publicly and Prof. Kim Maeng-ho in the Industrial Design department of Chungnam University revised it and made it good.

The emblem embodies the meaning of the 40th anniversary and a friendly tree image of KFS’s dream and hope. In the emblem various fruits and birds in the tree symbolise ’Healthy Forest, Happy People’ and the green curved line near the bottom is a meaningful symbol of future green energy and strong will and hope for rich forest. KFS is planning to use this emblem in publications, promotional materials and pamphlets next year.

KFS will celebrate its 40th anniversary at 10:30 on Jan. 9, 2007 in the auditorium, Government Complex-Daejeon, and the former chiefs, senior retirees and officials from concerned organizations will attend the ceremony which will be accompanied with photos of KFS’s 40-year footsteps on display and a commemorative reception.

International Cooperation Division

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  • 40주년엠블렘.jpg [7.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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