The Academic Symposium on Kyoto Protocol

DATE : 2006-02-21

HITS : 880

The academic symposium on Kyoto Protocol was held for its first anniversary at the Korea Forest Research Institute on Feb. 14, 2006 in order to research international trends and discuss how to plan ahead studies and researches with experts and professors.

The worldwide efforts to prevent global warming which might threaten human’s life have been made under the UNCCC since Rio Declaration. Kyoto Protocol came into effect on Feb. 16. 2005 so that developed countries implement mandatory reduction of greenhouse gas.

The UN Climate Change Convention is considered not only an environmental issue to prevent changes in the global environment but also an economic issue to reduce usage of energy which is one main aspect of industrial activities.

South Korea is a member of OECD and the ninth country in the world in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, we are under pressure of the mandate from developed countries and assure that we will be put under obligation during the second implementation period, 2013-2017.

Kyoto Protocol approves that CO2 reduction through newly reforested areas is considered as one way of implementation so it is highly considerable to maximize CO2 sink and sequestration through forests and timber in order to reduce CO2 emissions from industrial fields.

The main agendas of the Symposium :

- the research outline of a counterplan and trends in the forest field of the UN Climate Change Convention presented by Lee Kyeung-Hak in Division of Forest Management.

- the course of researches on greenhouse gas inventory in the forest field presented by Son Yeong-mo in Division of Forest Management.

- the course of researches on policies and technologies for expanding sink presented by Bae Jae-soo in Division of Forest Economics.

- the course of researches on the use of renewable woody biomass presented by Choi Don-ha in Division of Wood Chemistry and Microbiology.

- the course of researches on the assessment of climate change impact on forest ecosystem and the mechanism adaptable for the climate change presented by Lim Jong-hwan in Division of Forest Ecology.

The symposium has suggested the course of researches above and planned to establish the course by collecting extensive views and sharing opinions with related experts.

International Cooperation Division


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