Comprehensive Wildfire Breifing Room -- Open to the public

DATE : 2007-02-23

HITS : 1539

Comprehensive Wildfire Breifing Room -- Open to the public 이미지1

’Comprehensive Wildfire-briefing Room’ is open to the public. The Korea Forest Service plans to use the Comprehensive Wildfire-briefing Room as a wildfire education hall linked with Forest Public Information and Education hall located in the same building, Daejeon-Government Complex, so as to raise public awareness of fire prevention and a fire control system. The Comprehensive Wildfire-briefing Room also operates as a focal command center for disaster prevention and restoration when wildfires occur and damage from storm and flood is caused.

Weather conditions and fire warning levels can be simultaneously checked and seen in realtime at the room. Moreover, footage of the fire control system and the fire that occurred in YangYang, 2005 is shown to the public for better understanding of wildfire prevention. A realtime video transmission system will enable the public to view fire suppression situations graphically.

Due to the recent winter drought a total of 107 wildfires occurred as of February 15. Worryingly enough, the fire frequency increased to 87%, compared to the average over the last decade and soared up to 91%, compared to 56 wildfires in the last year. Night fires have increasingly occurred so Night Fire Watchers Team has been organized and strived to prevent incendiary fires, aiming at ’Zero Wildfire’.

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