Korea Forest Service launches plantation project in Mongolia

DATE : 2007-06-05

HITS : 1730

Korea Forest Service launches plantation project in Mongolia 이미지1

The Korean government launched the first government-led tree planting project in the Mongolian deserts to mitigate dust and sandstorms. This Greenbelt Plantation Project aims to plant 3,000 ha of forest in Mongolia for 10 years until 2016 with a budget of 9.5 million USD.

On the 3rd day of June, KFS hosted a grand launching ceremony in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia with distinguished representatives from both governments and international organizations. Minister Erdenebaatar of the Mongolian Ministry of Nature and Environment, Minister Park from the Korean Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr. Suh Seung-jin, the Chief of Korea Forest Service, as well as representatives from UNEP, UNCCD, UNESCAP, and diplomatic missions to Mongolia and also a number Korean and local residents were present at the ceremony to celebrate the launching of the project.

This project is based on the mutual understanding between the two countries to continue environmental cooperation to prevent dust and sandstorms and desertification at the Summit Talk in May 2006.

KFS also signed an MOU with the Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia last November to promote the implementation of the project. In March this year, KFS dispatched a project manager to get down to the actual planning and preparation of the project.

The detailed implementation plan will be established within this year as the first step, and initial planting will start in 2008 for the next 4 years as the second step. The project accomplishments will be assessed and based on this evaluation, revisions will be made to complement the project for the latter half of the implementation period.

As Korea’s devastated forests were once restored with the help of the international society, Korea wishes to return the international support through the Greenbelt Plantation Project. Moreover, Korea believes that the project is a significant tool to draw out concern and participation from the international society with regards to desertification. The launching ceremony is expected to maximize its impact as the celebration of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought will immediately follow on June 17.

Mr. Suh Seung-jin, Chief of KFS said that "Mongolia has the land area of 7 times larger than Korea however 90% of its land is in desert or is becoming one. We wish to encourage international participation and to relive the miracle of rehabilitation in Korean forests 40 years ago, this time in Mongolia. I hope that the Greenbelt Plantation Project could present a successful model on desertification which could enlarge worldwide participation on global environment conservation."

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