9,000 Mobilized for Pine Wilt Disease Control

DATE : 2005-11-14

HITS : 787

Korea Forest Service Conducts Restriction on Pine Tree Transfers
-9,000 public officers and volunteers mobilized

"Forest Service mobilized some 9,000 individual with the help of local governments and affiliate agencies to control tranfers of pine trees from November 9 to 29."

【Intensive Control on Pine Tree Tranfers Within Restricted Areas】
Log and wood materials from pine species such as sawnwood and waste wood with diameter wider than 2 cm is being under restrcition of transporation.

【Penalty fine of less than 10 million won and default fine of 2 million won imposed】
Penalty fine of less than 10 million won and default fine of 2 million won will be imposed for violation of regulations and restrictions under Articel 17 of the Special Act on Pine Wilt Disease Control.

In order to raise effectiveness of the control activities during this period, a forest police appointed by local police force is stationed in every checkpoint.

【370 checkpoints and stations set up, 24 hour-3shift control】
For this ongoing pine wilt disease control activity, total of 370 checkpoints were set up nationwide. In preparation of active transportation activities at night and early morning, 6 persons will be stationed per checkpoints. Grouped into pairs, the control activity is undertaken round the clock on 3-shift basis. For more efficient control activities, briefing session was held on November 8 for officers and vonlunteers on ways to identify infected trees and on actions to be taken.

【’pine wilt disease control HQ’ set up, public cooperation requested】
Korea Forest Service stressed that the most effective way to prevent spread of pine wilt disease is to restrict the transportation of infected trees. Pine Wilt Disease Control HQ was set up last Novermber 2 to undertake overall supervision on the ongoing special control activities.

Mr. Lee Soo hwa, the Deputy Chief of Korea Forest Service, who was appointed as the head of Pine Wilt Disease Control HQ stressed that, "the most we can do to prevent further spread of pine wilt disease as of now is to thoroughly control transportation of infected trees. Despite the inconveniences this might casue, we asked for understanding and cooperation of the public and foresters. If you find any pine tree with needles pointing downward, please report to 1588-3249."

Translated by International Cooperation Division
Kang Hyeyoung (+82-42-481-4081)

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