KFS signs MOU with Austrian Ministry

DATE : 2012-10-23

HITS : 3471

KFS signs MOU with Austrian Ministry 이미지1

KFS signs MOU with Austrian Ministry

The KFS has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management to promote cooperation in the field of forestry.

The MOU signed between KFS Minister Lee Don-koo and Niki Berlakovich, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria, was reached on the sidelines of a forestry symposium held at the Korea National Arboretum on Oct. 22.

Areas of cooperation include sustainable forest management, national forest inventories, forest products processing and trade; timber supply chain management, prevention of forest disasters and exchange of human resources.

Under the MOU, the two sides established a joint Forest Cooperative Committee that will endeavor to meet every two years alternately in Korea and Austria to evaluate the progress of the implementation of the MOU and discuss future cooperative projects.

  • 2012_10_22_한-오스트리아 산림협력 양해각서 체결 및 심포지엄_086_국립수목원.jpg [3.1 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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