DATE : 2013-05-13
HITS : 3727
2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers
Applications are invited from Ph.D. graduates in the field of forest, forestry and forest products for the Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers in the Korea Forest Research Institute (hereinafter KFRI). The fellowship is funded through research grants from KFRI.
The broad areas of research are Forest Soil and Water Conservation, Wood Processing, and Wood Chemistry & Microbiology. For more detailed information, please refer to Application guidelines.
The fellowship will be 34,800,000 Won (Korean currency unit, approximately US$30,200) including housing per month and the award will be for a term of 12 months. Upon satisfactory performance and availability of funding, the award is renewable for an additional term. Fellows are entitled to one airline ticket for a direct flight from their home town to Korea as well as a return ticket from Korea to their home town upon finishing the program.