2017 International Symposium on REDD+
  • DATE2017-12-27
  • HITS28037

The 2017 International Symposium on REDD+ was held in Koreana Hotel, Seoul on November 29, 2017. It was an opportunity for participants to share information on REDD+ and discuss how to use REDD+ results as a carbon offset. 

Speakers at the 2017 International Symposium on REDD+:
- Chan-woo Kim (Ambassador for Climate Change)
- Ruben Lubowski (Environmental Defense Fund)
- Soonchul Park (National Institute of Industrial Technology)
- Juan Chang (Green Climate Fund)
- Chris Meyer (Environmental Defense Fund)
- Leslie Durschinger (Terra Global Capital)
- Kosaku Onaka (Forest Agency of Japan)
- Mike Korchinsky (Wildlife Works Carbon)
- John Nickerson (Climate Action Reserve)
- Young-hwan Kim (National Institute of Forest Science)
- Chungkook Lee (Climate Change Research Insitute of Korea)
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