The 5th Korea-Japan China Forestry Meeting
  • DATE2018-06-19
  • HITS57891
The 5th Trilateral Director General Level Meeting 
Among Republic of Korea, Japan and the People’s Republic of China On Forestry Cooperation

The 5th trilateral meeting was held at the National Center for Forest Therapy, Yeongju, the Republic of Korea on the 31st of May, 2018.

The 5th trilateral meeting was co-chaired by Mr. KO Kiyeon, Director General, of International Affairs Bureau, the Korea Forest Service, Mr. ORITA Hiroshi, Director General of Private Forest Department, the Forestry Agency, and Mr. Wu Zhimin, Director General of International Cooperation Department, China National Forestry and Grassland Administration and also attended by Mr. YAMAMOTO Yasushi, Deputy Secretary General, the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat.

The three sides consisting of government officers, municipal forest officers or affiliated organization representatives made presentations and shared insights on the following topics: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Activities, National Forest Management, Seed Conservation and Forest Therapy.

It is worth noting that the meeting venue, the National Center for Forest Therapy as decided at the previous meeting, features in-forest lodgings, healing programs and therapy facilities, which provided special opportunities for all delegations to experience forest therapy programs and relish healing surroundings.

The three sides underlined the value placed on this collaborative relationship and the 5th meeting was concluded successfully as a concrete follow-up to the far reaching forest partnership among the three countries.

  • 합의의사록+교환_한중일+산림국장회의.JPG [4.1 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 276회)
  • 단체사진_한중일+산림국장회의.JPG [5.5 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 272회)
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