KFS Minister signed a MOU with Costa Rica
  • DATE2019-08-01
  • HITS57274
Minister of the Korea Forest Service KIM Jaehyun signed the MOU with MSc. Carlos Manuel Rodr?guez Echandi, Minister of Environment and Energy, Alajuela on July 29th 2019 in presence of Mrs. Epsy Campbell, First Vice President of the Republic of Costa Rica and Mr. YOON Chan-sik, Korean Ambassador to Costa Rica.
MSc. Carlos Manuel Rodr?guez Echandi, Minister of Environment and Energy welcomed the Korean delegation to Arenal Volcan National Park where the signing ceremony was held.
  • 1.보도사진-한-코스타리카+MUO체결.jpg [5.9 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 293회)
  • 2.보도사진-한-코스타리카+MOU체결+기념촬영.jpg [6.2 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 303회)
  • 5.보도사진-한-코스타리카+대표단+기념촬영.jpg [100.8 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 300회)