Government Reward on Forest Project
  • DATE2005-05-23
  • HITS2426
In celebration of the 60th Arbor Day, Mr. Moon Kuk-hyun, Co-chairperson of Forest for Life, was honored with the Gold Tower(Order of Industrial Service Merit). Forest for Life has greatly contrinuted to forest tending activities as well as overseas forest rehabilitation esepcially in North Korea. It was the first for the forest sector to be honored with the Gold Tower. Moreover, some 10 men of merit were rewarded by the government. The awarding ceremony was held on April 8 in Government Complex-Gwacheon. The merits were awarded by Honorable Park Hong-soo, the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

Translated by Int'l Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Kang Hye-young)

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