Own-A-Tree Campaign

DATE : 2006-03-23

HITS : 923

 Own-A-Tree Campaign 이미지1

For the sixty first arbor day this year, Chief of the Korea Forest Service, Suh Seung-jin is promoting the campaign of planting trees.

The Korea Forest Service, for the campaign, has local governments and national forest offices arrange 182 places nationwide where people can plant and tend trees. Those who like to plant trees can be given trees and name tags for free from the end of March to around the Arbor day by applying in advance or by order of arrival. Participants in this campaign can not only have their own trees but also write down their names on the name tags and hang them on the trees.

In addition, the Korea Forest Service has prepared 121 places where the distribution of 710,000 trees will take place so that 1~3 trees can be given away for free along with name tags and introduction booklets of planting. National Forestry Cooperation Federation has also arranged tree markets in 132 places so as to help people purchase saplings.

The Korea Forest Service(KFS) has planned on planting 47,000,000 trees in 19000 hectares till the end of April. Since the Arbor day is not a national holiday any more from this year, KFS is also trying to boost the campaign for planting trees, and is promoting public awareness of significance of planting trees through mass media.

" Forests and trees are great national recourses that provide pure water and clean air as well as economical recourses. Therefore, KFS has diverse plans on planting trees considering each region’s features in order to grow forests with environmental and economic values. I’d like to ask the people for active cooperation in building up healthy and luxuriant forests together." added Chief Suh Seung-jin.

International Cooperation Division

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