Juveniles Reviving Their Spirits in Forest

DATE : 2006-08-07

HITS : 1167

Juveniles Reviving Their Spirits in Forest  이미지1

210 middle and high schoolers are reviving their spirits, exploring seven ranges of Baekdu Daegan Mountain System for six days and realizing the significance of the forests.

''Baekdu Daegan Exploration Program for Juvenile'' is taking place sixthly this year. The exploration program is of the seven ranges stretching 342km2 from Mt. Jiri to Mr. Sorak and a juvenile group of 30 in each range is doing a study tour of mountain village heritages and forest ecosystem with mountaineering guides, forest-ecology experts and rangers.

A middle schooler, Kim Han-sol, recommended by his father to take part in the exploration in Mt. Dukyou said ''It will be great that guides travelling together can give an easy and comprehensible explanation about Baekdu Daegan Mountain System and the forests'' and added smiling ''It might be hard to go mountaineering in this summer heat but it seems easier than to study at school''.

This exploration program has been held annually by Korea Forest Service and Korean Alpine Club since 2001 so that juveniles can learn more about Baekdu Daegan Mountain System and the forests.

An official from Korea Forest Service(KFS) said that KFS will develop and continue this exploration program for juveniles to learn the beauty and significance of our forests.

International Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4172

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