Maldivian Minister visits KFS Chief

DATE : 2005-04-01

HITS : 811

Maldivian Acting Minister of Environment and Construction visits KFS

March 29, 2005

Mr. Abdullah Kamaludeen, the Maldivian Minister of Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources (acting Minister of Environment and Construction) paid a courtesy visit to the Chief of Korea Forest Service last March 29.

The brief meeting was held at the KFS Seoul office. Minister Kamaludeen earlier attended Ministerial Conference on Environment held in Seoul and he was deeply impressed with advanced environment monitoring system of Korea.

The Republic of Maldives being greatly affected by the Tsunami, Korean experts visited Maldives to treat trees under the auspice of ADB in February. The recent treatment brought great success, however, the 2 week visit was too short to treat trees in 200 islands.
Based on the success of the treatment program, the Maldivian Minister requested for additional long term assistance for capacity building and tree treatment.

KFS Chief said that additional financial assistance is difficult as of the moment, however, gave information on the 2 week forestry training program for forest officers of developing countries. As for sending Korean expert to the Maldives, KFS said that positive review will be made on this and also suggested alternative channel such as assistance through KOICA.

Int'l Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Lee, Mira)

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