The Best Administrative Information Provider

DATE : 2006-07-14

HITS : 1190

The Best Administrative Information Provider 이미지1

The excellent home page of KFS is the best among administration agencies.
The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs evaluated websites of 300 state government agencies and local governments. Korea Forest Service(KFS) won acclaim as having the best website managing agency and was chosen as the best administrative information provider.

At the ceremony on July 3, KFS’s homepage was thought to provide informative services and best meet the need of people in areas such as forest information and specialized sites. Furthermore, KFS has improved the processing system of civil affairs through an integrated electronic civil affairs service and has timely provided administrative information, linking with the internal knowledge-management system.

The best aspect of KFS’s website is regarded to be the improvement of government services for the people through its website by boosting people’s access to updated and accurate information on administration.

Since October in 2005, KFS has been managing the home page and providing must-know information on the intro page of the website which KFS used first.

KFS has developed services to meet people’s needs, to improve the administration affairs precessing system, and to maximize access to information so that the people can have more trust in KFS.

International Cooperation Division

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