DATE : 2014-10-23
HITS : 2666
1st Meeting of Korea-Canada Forest Cooperative Committee
The first meeting of Korea-Canada Forest Cooperative Committee was held between the Korea Forest Service (KFS) and the Canadian Forest Service of the Department of Natural Resources, Canada (NRCan-CFS) in Seoul on 20 October 2014. The Korean delegation was headed by Dr. LEE Chang-jae, Director General, International Cooperation Bureau, KFS, and the Canadian delegation by Mr. Glenn Mason, Assistant Deputy Minister, NRCan-CFS.
Various forest areas in shared interests were touched upon. Regarding the cooperation in wood construction, it was agreed that the Canadian side will provide its technical information including the technical guide book on high wood building and assist with training programs for Korean experts in consultation with FPInnovations.
For joint research in wildland fire prevention and mountain meteorology, the Korean side proposed providing research data and field study particularly in wildland urban interface, and further encouraged the Canadian side to take part in exhibitions and side events at the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference to be held in 2015, Korea and to extend its involvement in the organization of this Conference.
On top of that, the potential cooperation on forest certification, forest carbon budget and landscape approach were also given due consideration. Both sides agreed to hold a joint workshop for sharing experiences in forest certification and to carry out joint research in development of forest carbon budget. Upon the request by Canada, KFS showed its positive reply for joining the International Model Forest Network (IMFN).
They further ensured that this newly established partnership will bring significant benefits for both countries through mutual trust and respect. To that end, appropriated contact points were designated to make future collaboration in agreed activities and to draw up a work plan on Korea-Canada forest cooperation.