First Korea-Laos Forest Cooperative Committee

DATE : 2014-12-18

HITS : 1889

First Korea-Laos Forest Cooperative Committee 이미지1

First meeting of the Korea-Laos Forestry Cooperative Committee

Dr. KIM Yong-Ha, Deputy Minister of the Korea Forest Service (KFS) of the Republic of Korea and Dr. Ty Phommasack, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) of Lao People's Democratic Republic held the first meeting of the Korea-Laos Forestry Cooperative Committee between KFS and MAF in Busan, Republic of Korea on the 10th of December 2014.

Both sides discussed shared interests in the forestry sector including promotion of forest plantation investment & timber processing industry in Laos and joint research on conservation of rare plants and forest seeds and REDD+ pilot project.

It was agreed to cooperate in recommending candidate sites for Korea's forest investment in Laos and updating the publication of Overseas Forest Investment Guidebook-Laos. Also both sides agreed to cooperate on rare plants restoration and forest seeds conservation, publication of native plants in Laos. For the joint REDD+ pilot project, it was agreed to collaborate on the recommendation and selection of a project site and cooperate in implementing this project.

  • (라오스)라오스 양자 면담_왼쪽 띠 포마삭 라오스 농림부차관, 오른쪽 산림청 김용하 차장.JPG [1.6 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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