DATE : 2014-12-18
HITS : 1925
Signing Ceremony of the MOU & Bilateral Meeting with Myanmar on the occasion of ASEAN-ROK Special Ministerial Meeting on Forestry
Both delegates headed respectively by Dr. KIM Yong Ha, Deputy Minister of the Korea Forest Service and U Aye Myint Maung, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry met in Busan on 10 December 2014 on the occasion of ASEAN-ROK Special Ministerial Meeting on Forestry. The MOU on investment in forest plantation and climate change was signed by Dr. LEE Chang-jae, Director General, Korea Forest Service and Dr. Nyi Nyi Kyaw, Director General, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry. Both sides expected the MOU would open up more opportunities to promote forest investment of Korean companies in Myanmar and contribute to climate change response.