Korean Forest Type Map-the World''s Best Map

DATE : 2007-07-10

HITS : 2695

Korean Forest Type Map-the World''s Best Map 이미지1

The Forest Type Map produced by the Korea Forest Research Institute was submitted for the ESRI International user conference and was granted People’s Choice Award among 6,300 items for display. The conference sponsored by ESRI Corporation was held during June 18~22, 2007 in San Diego, the U.S. and attended by GIS users, experts, software programmers and government officers in charge of GIS all around the world. About 1000 presentations on 38 technology fields and active discussions were made, and GIS products and GIS maps were displayed at the conference.

The Forest Type Map of Wonduck has been developed since the work environment was changed in a distal method in 2006. This map was awarded the best prize called ’Map Gallery Results Highlights :People’s Choice Award’.
The production of maps involves on-site fieldwork and interpretation of aeriel photos to collect attributes of forests such as tree species, forest type, age class, diameter class and density. 750 forest maps on a scale of 1:25,000 are being produced by eight research members covering the whole country for five years. The data is updated every five years.

The outcome of the forest type map production plays a crucial role in a decision making process for forest policies. Also these maps will be presented to the public as valuable information.

[Sources from Forest Resource Information Division of the Korea Forest Research Institute]

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