XV World Forestry Congress in Seoul, May 2-6, 2022

DATE : 2022-02-23

HITS : 1529

XV World Forestry Congress in Seoul, May 2-6, 2022 이미지1

The World Forestry Congress (WFC) is the most significant gathering of the global forestry community, held approximately once every six years since its inception in Italy in 1926. The XV World Forestry Congress will be hosted by the Korea Forest Service in May 2022 and held at the COEX in Seoul. Notably, it is the first time the Congress has convened in the Asia-Pacific region since it was held in Indonesia 44 years ago.

The WFC convenes world forestry community members, including the public and private sectors, NGOs, CSOs, scientific or professional bodies, forestry societies, and others who care about forests and the environment, to consider the state and future of world forestry. This may lead to the formulation of broad recommendations applicable at national, regional, and global levels.

The Republic of Korea was selected as the host of the XV World Forestry Congress to be held in 2022, thanks largely to its success story in reforestation and its continued commitment to promoting international cooperation in the forest sector.

The Congress was originally scheduled to be held in Seoul in May 2021; however, due to unprecedented challenges with holding large-scale international conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Congress was postponed, and new dates of May 2?6, 2022 have been announced. With these new dates set, the Korea Forest Service will increase its efforts to assemble a successful Congress in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The world is facing growing challenges to its health and future. Against this backdrop, forests are being recognized as a key nature-based solution to tackle the ever-worsening climate crisis. Under the theme 'Building a Green, Healthy, and Resilient Future with Forests,' the Congress' program consists of a five-day schedule of various meetings and events, including plenary sessions, special events, sub-theme sessions, side events, field trips, and exhibitions. The Congress will provide a crucial opportunity for the global forestry community to consider the state and future of world forestry, particularly in the context of the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, while striving to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The past Congresses defined a vision for forests and identified key measures and recommendations for enhancing its role. The 13th World Forestry Congress held in Argentina accommodated approximately 7,000 participants from 160 countries, and the 14th World Forestry Congress hosted by South Africa in Durban in 2015, attracted nearly 4,000 participants from 142 countries. By implementing the outcomes of previous Congresses, the advances are being made towards a sustainable, resilient future in the XV World Forestry Congress.

The Korea Forest Service is preparing special events such as the Peace Forest Initiative and the Forest Fire Forum, which will promote cooperation between countries to rehabilitate degraded land and fragile forests. We stand ready to share our experience and knowledge with the world. To build momentum towards a vibrant and dynamic Congress, we will put forth our best efforts for diverse participation, with representation from all regions and sectors.

As the host country, the Republic of Korea will make sure to hold the 15th World Forestry Congress in a venue that is well protected from risks of infection. It will have robust preventive measures in place, allowing in-person meetings and interaction among participants.
Lastly, an advisory meeting is scheduled to pool various opinions from relevant experts in event planning, publicity, and quarantining. Exhibitions and youth programs will be well prepared to build momentum towards a vibrant and dynamic Congress. We truly look forward to seeing you in person at the Congress, overflowing with vibrant energy and lively exchanges.

To watch the trailer video of the XV World Forestry Congress, go to:
News and Resources > Multimedia > XV World Forestry Congress Trailer Video

For more information and registration, please visit the official XV WFC website:

World Forestry Congress, WFC 
  • World-Forestry-congress-new-dates-bis.png [1.2 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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