2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign ResearchersApplications are invited from Ph.D. graduates in the field of forest, forestry and forest products...
The Korea Forest Service provides e-mail newsletters quarterly.The contents of the Newsletter-Vol. 5 are as follows.=The 2nd Session of the Governing ...
The Korea Forest Service provides e-mail newsletters quarterly.The contents of the Newletter-Vol. 4 are as follows. - Newly established MOUs with Afri...
A workshop for the strategy and promotion of exportable forestry products On Friday the 21st of December 2012. The Korea Forest Service hosted a works...
KFS breaks ground on mountaineering museumThe Korea Forest Service has begun construction on a national museum dedicated to the country’s mountaineeri...
KFS signs MOU with Austrian MinistryThe KFS has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment ...
KFS steps up oversight of illegal logging near inter-Korean borderThe Northern Regional Office of the Korean Forest Service is strengthening its overs...
KFS signs MOUs with three African nationsThe Korea Forest Service is set to sign a memorandum of understanding with Algeria, Benin and Ethiopia, respe...
Landslide damage drops significantly in 2012 The Korea Forest Service has wrapped up its first-ever comprehensive anti-erosion project for the summer ...
Experts advise Korea to create own carbon systemExperts on carbon credit trading say the Republic of Korea will benefit more from creating its own for...