The Korea Forest Service(KFS) is planing to plant 43 million trees in 20,000 hectares during the promotion period of tree planting (March 1~April 30),...
’Comprehensive Wildfire-briefing Room’ is open to the public. The Korea Forest Service plans to use the Comprehensive Wildfire-briefing Room as a wild...
The Korea Forest Service(KFS) has established ’2007 Comprehensive Fire Control Action plan’ and is set to operate the spring fire control main office ...
’The 40th anniversary of KFS’s inauguration, a history of great endeavors ’Korea Forest Service(KFS) celebrated the 40th anniversary as of Jan 9. Chie...
New dreams and hopes for 2007The Korea Forest Service(KFS) held the opening ceremony for the year of 2007 with attentive participation of all staff at...
- Check out ’Forest Aerial Photo Information System’ and you will view your region in a high resolution aerial photo.The Korea Forest Research Institu...
Korea Forest Service(KFS) has been serving for 40 years since its inception in 1967, In commemoration of the 40th anniversary, KFS has designated an e...
Special snacks were delivered to each office of the Korea Forest Service(KFS) on Dec 1st. It was fired chicken ordered by Mr. Suh Seung-jin, Chief of ...
MOU on prevention of desertification in MongoliaThe Korea Forest Service(KFS) and the Mongolian Ministry of Nature and Environment(MNE) signed MOU on...
The Korea Forest Service conducted a practical joint training for fire control with 15,000 participants from governmental organizations, local governm...