The 21st FAO Asian Pacific Forest Committee(APFC) was held at the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education in Derahdun, India from April 15 t...
The Korea National Arboretum has chosen turkestan rose(Rose Rugosa) as the flower of May and columbine(Aquilegia Oxysepala) as the herbage of May. A ...
The Korea Forest Service, on April 25th in the Government Complex-Deajeon, held a seminar on CDM(Clean Development Mechanism)poject investment in pre...
The Korea Forest Service introduced, with anxiety, a case that the severe effects and seriousness of pine wilt disease; due to the spread of pine wil...
It is not in a further future that urban areas will be filled with greenery instead of blackish asphalted roads and grey concrete walls, and surround...
A Baekdusan tiger presented by and transported from China was raised at the forest zoo in the National Arboretum. Unfortunately, it fell dead on March...
President Roh Moo-hyun and the first lady participated in a planting-tree event for the sixty first arbor day on April 5th in Yeoju, Gyeonggi province...
For the sixty first arbor day this year, Chief of the Korea Forest Service, Suh Seung-jin is promoting the campaign of planting trees.The Korea Forest...
Around this season, burning banks around rice fields commonly occur, which is considered one of preparatory jobs ahead of farming. According to the re...
Mr. Lee Soo-hwa, Deputy-Chief of Korea Forest Service(KFS) held an event of planting trees in Jindo, Jeonnam Province along with foresters and local p...