Establishing an international milestone for SFMSince Rio Declaration in 1992, recognizing the importance of economic, social and environmental benefit...
Luxuriant forests worthy of the name offer jobs to 3,000 people, in which way forests can get healthier and the unemployed can land a job.Chief of the...
Act on the National Forest Administration and ManagementEnacted on 4 Aug. 2005 and partly revised on 11 April 2007Act no.: 7677The purpose of this Act...
The academic symposium on Kyoto Protocol was held for its first anniversary at the Korea Forest Research Institute on Feb. 14, 2006 in order to resear...
Chief Suh Seung-jin of Korea Forest Service, along with Sacheon City Mayor Kim Soo-young and forest stakeholders visited pine wilt disease affected ar...
Double pleasure from forests and the ocean together!A costal recreation forest designed in Samcheok, Gangwon Province.A coastal recreation forest name...
New divisions were introduced to the Korea Forest Service organization. Currently, there are 4 bureaus under the Korea Forest Service headquarters, an...
The Korea Forest Research Institute announced that forest fires are expected to increase due to field burning in the southern region. It further asked...
The new International Tropical Timber Agreement has been completed.The new International Tropical Timber Agreement was completed in the fourth confere...
President Roh Moo-hyun invited foresters to a State luncheon in the reception hall of Cheong Wa Dae on Jan 24th and addressed that we should restore v...