Diversifying Overseas Forest Investment into Central and South AmericaCentral and South America is geographically far from the Republic of Korea, but ...
KFS ranked the number one in the 2014 Public Service Evaluation.At the recent cabinet meeting, the Korea Forest Service was honored with the highest o...
KFS attempting the Guinness World Records on the Largest Tree Hug- Until March 13, people wishing to participate in the event could apply through the ...
The Korea Forest Service (KFS) establishes the base for wood biomass production in Indonesia and secures the improved access to stable wood materials ...
23% increase in overseas plantation area over the previous yearThe Korea Forest Service (KFS) makes its continued support for expanding overseas bases...
The Korea Forest Service (KFS) began its 2015 tree planting plan with the first planting event held in Nakan Folk Natural Recreation Forest on 13 Febr...
One of the big events which the Korea Forest Service is planning this year is to host the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC). The confe...
KFS launches Forestry Trade DivisionThe Korea Forest Service (KFS) partially reorganized its divisions and newly launched the Forestry Trade Division ...
The Korea Forest Service provides e-newsletter quarterly.This is the e-newsletter Volume 12-Dec. 2014 and the contents are as follows.- 2014 ASEAN-ROK...
Bilateral Meeting with Indonesia on the occasion of ASEAN-ROK Special Ministerial Meeting on ForestryH.E. Dr. SHIN Won Sop, Minister of the Korea Fore...