The Fifth Session of UNFF□ Overviewo Date and Venue: 16~27 May 2005, UN Headquarters New Yorko Objective:- UNFF was established by the Economic and So...
Training Course on Forest ManagementJune 20, 2004▣ Period : June 19 to July 3, 2005 (15 days) ▣ Venue : Conference Room 2 in the Korea Forest Research...
Conflict Resolution for Governance in Republic of KoreaBaekdu Daegan Mountain System(BDMS) is the logest series of mountain ranges that forms the back...
The Fifth Session of UNFFReport from week 1 (May 16~20)◎500 delegates representing each nation and organizationgathered at the Fifth Session to discus...
Summary of the Act on Pine Wilt DiseaseKorea Forest Service announced that the Act on Pine Wilt Disease Prevention was passed in the special session o...
Act on Pine Wilt Disease Prevention, foundation for pine wilt disease expansion controlMay 5, 2005Korea Forest Service announced that the Act on Pine ...
5-year Plan for Total Land Purchase in the GBMS areasMay 5, 2005Korea Forest Service(Chief, Cho Yon-hwan) helped 1) extend the scope of providing supp...
Yangyang Forest Fire Damage andRestoration Measures1. Overview of Fire Incident and Suppression- Outbreak:April 4(Monday) 23:53;Hwa-il-ri, Yangyang-eu...
24.3 Billion won for Yangyang RestorationApril 20, 2005Yonhap NewsOn April 19, Gangwon-do announced that financial assistance of 24.3billion won from ...
2005 Assessment of Forest BenefitsMarch 30, 2005Korea Forest Service announced that the 6.41 million ha of forest provides astounding public benefit w...