Oak Mushroom Cultivation Sawdust from ChinaDate: February 7, 2005Sawdust inoculated with oak mushroom fungi is being imported into Korea without any r...
Special Prevention Plan for Pine Wilt Disease◈ Recently, Pine Wilt Disease, also known as Pine Aids", has been rapidlyspreading northward in Korea. As...
Northern Mountain Cranberries Found in KoreaKorea Forest Research Institute has found new alive stocks of northern mountain cranberries in Hongcheon-g...
Illegal construction halted at U.N.-Protected National ParkOriginallly posted at:http://asia.news.yahoo.com/050127/kyodo/d87scq500.html(Kyodo) _ Centr...
Korea Forest Service reaches out to IndonesiaKorea Forest Service donated 14,290,000 won (approx. 13,600USD) to the Indonesian government in hope for ...
16th Meeting of the Working Group on Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests(Montreal...
Korea Forest Service expressed deep condolences to the countries and victims suffering from the loss of life and damages caused by a severe earthquak...
National Report to the Fifth UN Forum on ForestKorea Forest Service presented National Report to the Fifth UN Forum on Forest. The report to the 5th U...
Gongju Invests 1,225million Wons in Chestnutby Kim, Eun-hee, Daehan IlboGongju City announced that the city is going to invest 1,225million wons (appr...
Exports Blamed for Amazon DeforestationOriginally posted at: Financial TimesNew evidence that the rapid expansion of Brazil's export-fuelled agricultu...