The Korea Forest Service provides e-newsletter quarterly.This is the e-newsletter Volume 14. Jul.2015 and the contents are as follows.- Meeting with A...
The 8th Meeting of Australia-Korea Forestry Cooperative CommitteeThe 8th meeting of the Korea-Australia Forestry Cooperative Committee was held betwee...
Plaque Hanging Ceremony for the organizing committee of the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference Minister of the Korea Forest Service(KFS) Dr. S...
MOU with Portugal on Pine Wilt Disease Control beetween the Korea Forest Service and the Ministry of Agriculture and the Sea of the Portuguese Republi...
KFS will invests KRW two billion in forest restoration of DMZKorea Forest Service held an intersectoral talk on restoration of the Korean Demilitarize...
The Korea Forest Service provides e-newsletter quarterly.This is the e-newsletter Volume 13 Apr.2015 and the contents are as follows.- KFS-SFA MOU on ...
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea (LEE Wan-koo) had attended the 70th Arbor Day Ceremony on April 5, 2015 at the National Forest Seed and Va...
On March 26, 2015, the 2nd Meeting of the Taskforce for Assessment for the Implementation of the AFoCo Agreement (TF-Assessment) was held at Tagaytay ...
Korea's green wave in spotlight : Korea's forest welfare model of recreational forest, forest bathing, healing forest, etc. goes into ChinaKorea Fores...
KFS Attempt at the Guinness World Records on the Largest Tree Hug with 1,226- Attempt exceeded the current US record of 936 (by 290 people) -- Plans t...