The Korea Forest Service (KFS) had held a forest research competition for the first time in association with the Korea Green Promotion Agency, aiming ...
Gold Class Certified Korea Biodiversity Information System Database Korea Biodiversity Information System Database received Gold Class Certification f...
July 23, 2014The Minister of the Korea Forest Service, Dr. SHIN Won-Sop announced that the 'Youth Baekdu-daegan Forest Ecosystem Field Trip' will be h...
The Korea Forest Service participated in the 12th Korea-China Free Trade Agreement Negotiation (Korea-China FTA), held from 14th to 18th of July, in D...
The Korea Forest Service provides e-newsletter quarterly.This is the e-newsletter Volume 10-July 2014.The contents of the Newletter-Vol. 10 are as fol...
The Republic of Korea celebrates the 2014 WDCDThe Korea Forest Service (KFS) joined the celebration of the 2014 World Day to Combat Desertification by...
Efforts are being made to restore abandoned mine lands. The Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI, headed by Dr. YOON Young-Kyoon) said on 29 May 2014...
Korea's green wave was reported in the Korea Herald, one of Korea's leading Engligh newspapers.- Links to the Korea Herald new articles Korea offers g...
Video Clip on Rehabilitation of the Yeongil DistrictNow Available on the Korea Forest Service (KFS) YouTube channel After shown at one of the CBD regi...
Black locust stores GHG emission of 3.8 million carsDistribution of black locust in KoreaLovely white flowers of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) b...